
Monday, December 14, 2015

Tulsi in most of Ayusante Products

Holy Basil second name of Tulsi, common herb but with lots of sacred religious values. In India you will find Tulsi in most of houses. In Ayurveda Tulsi plays very important role and Tulsi is considered  as a kind of “elixir of life”, to promote longevity. Nai Umeed
I remember whenever I used to leave for office my mom use to give me leaves of Tulsi as a blessing in form of Prasaad, when ever anything new to happen she used to ask us bow in front of Tulsi and take blessings from Tulsi.

Scietifically Tulsi act as adaptogen, as it helps in balancing the different properties in the body and helps coping with stress , make you feel lighter by acting as a anti depressant. Almost any product related to memory will be having Tulsi in it, or else product is incomplete, Tulsi increase retention. 

Tulsi is good in common cold and cough, sore throat, infection in mouth, migranes, allergies, and for many other skin disorders. Therefore Tulsi act as a anti allergic, anti microbial, Tulsi can also be used for fungal bacterial infections and studies approve also good for asthma patients.

India is leading in diabetes and heart disease, Tulsi also plays important role in treating by taking care of cholesterol levels. That why you will see Tulsi in almost all products of Ayusante. Vestigue also accepted ayusante because of its product formulation and people behind it.

Tie up between Vestige and Ayusante is great sign for India. I can sense Ayusante is in right hands and now no one can stop this upcoming revolution of Healthy India. Other MNC who are selling Pharma products as a nutrition has to leave India.
I will be posting on more herbs used in Ayusante products till then stay health and spread happiness…feel free to contact me at 9967972344.